@MK2boogaloo @Arkana
And they're still garbage
- † top dog :pedomustdie: likes this.
If somebody posts a huge amount on some social media site it makes me not want to follow them. It means they most likely have very low quality posts made without any thought. Some people can do a lot of posts at high quality, but not most.
It also means I might get annoyed at them more easily, when they post so much about things that I'm not concerned with and take up my time.
I can still like them as people, but I don't want to be subjected to every single passing thought that enters their brain stem.
@Arkana gulp, welp I only post so much in the weekend.
@Arkana I curb my posts but the quality doesn't go higher. I'm just cursed to shitpost. I try to stay on topic per account but I veer off frequently. Like this post for example, it's not Miku related, it's not something I can meaningfully contribute to the conversation, but I have sudden urge to comment for some inexplicable reason.