still incredibly angry that lufthansa got 'saved', they kept my money hostage for a year or so. also they are one of the worst, most expensive airlines in europe. if there's one airline that should go bankrupt (besides alitalia) it's lufthansa.
@cell it's not like the airplanes explode when the carrier goes bankrupt, just open a new one and buy the old planes
@lain flag carriers usually get saved as part of "national pride", but how do you do it in a country where it is haram?
@lain mamma mia that's what happened to alitalia!
@grillchen @cell i don't know what exactly happened in this case
@lain @cell i wonder if the state did block private investors in this case.
because it turned out very profitable to save lufthansa afaik.
@lain @cell atleast we saved Galeria Kaufhof (a big warehouse) 1000 times while it is owned by a foreign billionaire having more than enough cash saving the unprofitable business concept himself...