I made a promise that my next laptop would be a Linux one, but they're so expensive and I'm fucking broke. I would ask my Dad for help, but I know that he is a brand-whore for the big brands like HP and Dell and won't trust the smaller companies like System76 or ThinkPenguin.
@PurpCat@xianc78 HP had this "designed for linux" model, made in cooperation with System76: https://hpdevone.com/ It looks decent IMO. According to the website it's sold out, but maybe you can still find it at a discount somewhere.
Maybe I should just get a System76 Meerkat and find a portable LCD monitor. I've seen people done similar things with Mac Minis. Of course there is the whole power issue but maybe I could find a work around.
@xianc78@m0xEE it's the no os option so they just load freedos on it (since the windows contracts said it has to have an OS of some sort on it). It didn't say it had to have windows, just an os.