Good Marisa morning.
- :awoo_tired: shotgun snuggler :clownpiece_smug: likes this.
That's a lot of scripture reading for one day. I'd prefer a system that does one OT, one Psalm, and one NT passage that repeats slightly the next day, so to help with memory. Otherwise, I like the catechism readings.
@SuperSnekFriend @MK2boogaloo
@SuperSnekFriend thoughts on it?
Ohayo! :gyate_marisa_smug: :gyate_patchouli_wow:
Missed the latest denominational/justification/Gospel debate hellthread. :02_sip:
@SuperSnekFriend lol too busy for that but I found this
Lord's Day 39 Readings:
Genesis 9:20-27
Deuteronomy 17:8-13
Romans 13:1-10
Colossians 3:16-25
Heidelberg Catechism: LD 39
Westminster Confession: Ch. 23
Larger Catechism: 122-133
Belgic Confession: Art. 36
Canons of Dordt: Third Head, Article 17
Second Helvetic Confession: Ch. 30
Calvin's Institutes: Book 2, ch. 8, Sec. 35-38
Dabney's Systematic: Lecture 32
Suggested Weekday Readings:
Isaiah 33-50
Acts 5-11
Psalm 119:105-176
Psalm 120-150
Psalm 1-14
Proverbs 24:5-16
"How do I know I belong to Jesus?" There's a lot of confusion out there about the doctrine of assurance. If you need help, please read the classic book on assurance by Louis Berkhof.
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thes. 5:23
Very lovey! Thank you friend! :ina_blessed: