This system is way better and offers a lot more variety and choice, and gives you something to spend money on aside from vehicles.
- luithe and Immahnoob like this.
@lolipunk3069 Apparently it's really good. I like that guns scale with you now. No more having to dumb hundreds of components into Becca's shotgun or Johnny's revolver. Those get used on cyberware instead.
@Kyonko802 It's also an approach to cyberware that's a bit closer in spirit to the TTRPG, though not exactly 1/1. It's a real step up. I also appreciate that weapon damage is now tied to the brand of gun and its tier now, instead of some arbitrary floating level.
I'll need to get around to seeing how Phantom Liberty goes. Haven't tried it yet. Not far enough along yet in my current playthrough to jump in, but I'll give it a shot.