Guy who does nothing but post rage porn on Fedi malds at anime: a thread
@hakui @Pawlicker @Sprate @romin
Here is the answer to the Loli Question™, the topic that destroys people:
Nobody actually knows what they're talking about.
It's the reason why the LQ trips up people constantly and every discussion devolves into a hellthread. What people think they're arguing about is different from what they want or they're not considering any other issue involving the Loli Question™.
I'll give a breakdown:
1 - what is a "drawn child" according to you?
A - you would think "oh it's a girl that is X years old with certain features". Good answer, one problem though, the people that generally want to regulate drawn art believe that a fat titty woman with a fat ass is a "child". People on this side of the internet obviously don't think that's right but tough shit now you're both against "drawn children" aka "all forms of art that people think is a 'child'". This is why you don't want to give them an inch on what shouldn't be free expression, they'll take it and run with it.
2 - it's degenerate, and loli drawings shouldn't be legal. (Or some form of this)
A - oh shit you just solved all sin! Just don't allow it and it won't happen! Better throw all your holy books into the trash because we can just ban it and we solved the problem of degeneracy. Just legislate sin and we solved sin, easy, worked with murder.
It doesn't help that the people arguing this point jump an joy with glee whenever they see a new post about a war, or a guy who died in a gore filled death. For people that want to show good character they certainly love to revel in the bad. But ban their stuff and suddenly it's the government targeting their free speech.
3 - it's already illegal
A - just say that it isn't with proof. Suddenly they jump to say "well you can be arrested for any reason" which is moving the goalposts. At that point we're not really arguing what is legal because by their words cops can just arrest you for any reason. Just like those people arrested for legally renting cars, obviously it's now not legal to rent a car with proof because "cops can arrest you for any reason".
It's why I point out the show big mouth. You can argue the Jews are protecting the show but the point is the show hasn't been taken down even though it fits what everyone would assume is illegal.
4 - it leads to crimes being committed.
A - there's a reason we don't talk about Jeffrey Epstein collection of drawn Japanese loli pornography leading to his child prostitution rings because IT'S FUCKING STUPID. It's an obvious distraction from the actual crimes people commit. It's so fucking stupid this argument still persists because the proof (if there is any) comes from studies from people that believe men can be women if they believe really, really hard. It's why the alarm bell is rung whenever this argument is brought up because it usually leads to that person having actual crimes like that Dr. Pizza guy.
When a few years back a dude tried to threaten to take my bike I wasn't thinking in the moment "oh that poor soul his mind was infected by GTA and rap music that's causing him to rob me" NO I was thinking about brutally murdering the guy trying to rob me. It's so stupid that people would think fictional content would lead to crimes when crimes existed just fine without them.
This is why the Loli Question™ causes people to go mad. Internet people don't know how to talk about it because all they care about is dunking on people and looking good for their other Internet people. This is why you can toss the Loli Question™ in a discussion like a grenade and watch the carnage. :back_from_gab: :agooglebomb:
@zemichi @Pawlicker @Sprate what is the answer to The LQ™?
@romin @zemichi @Pawlicker @Sprate "yes please"
@Sprate @Pawlicker
The loli question™ exposes the frauds. It trips up everyone when you post a picture of a cute girl. Their brains short circuit and they equate "drawings" to physical degeneracy.
I know the answer to the loli question™ which makes me immune to the mental attack. If other people knew the answer they wouldn't be trying to rally against "drawings". :back_from_gab:
I don't even like this guy but when he's right he's right.
nigga you have autism, pedo
@zemichi @Pawlicker @Sprate In vino veritas
> the answer to the loli question™
Is more lolis. :thumbs_up: