Btw, here's writer and native Spanish speaker Jorge Luis Borges explaining why Spanish is utter trash compared to Chad English.
@Hoss cc @ElDeadKennedy can we get a response from a Spanish speaker
@dcc @Hoss idk, both languages are fine. I don't agree with some of the stuff Borges said in that video, some of the stuff he's like "ohhh this isn't a thing in Spanish but it's totally possible in English" while it's absolutely possible in both languages, I think
@Hoss @dcc oh and also I really like how "dry" it is to speak Spanish. I do now know how to explain it, but speaking English requires more "wet" and "stretched" tongue and jaw movements, while Spanish is rather dry and sharp. However, this might just be me being a non-native speaker
@Hoss @dcc with that said, the female from the original video is just an attention seeker or stupid or both
@dcc @Hoss also we have this