Hot take- I don't think anyone who talks about Operation Gladio actually knows what it was. It was basically the Western version of Operation Werewolf as commonly (mis)understood in media and online, a stay behind guerilla force to harass an enemy after defeat except directed exclusively against the USSR as it was the Cold War.
The big gotcha in the Wikipedia summary that they tortured communists and heckin killed a guy is also hilarious from a right wing perspective considering the guy was some African anti-colonial communist.
I never understood why people still reference it in respect to the modern day (granted I know very little about it anyways)
The men recruited for Gladio were usually the ones with nationalist tendencies, and were winked and nodded about preserving their countries against "those evil Russian commies". Meanwhile ZOG was setting all their ducks on a row to flood said countries with fag stuff, American sensibilities and infinity Africans.
Those nationalists thought they were the ones using the American spook apparatus to organize and get weapons, so subsequently they could forward their own goals but got fucked every single time.
Regardless of "well, Communism would have been worse!!!", our (the Total Gladio Death gang) point is if you or your group is doing America/CIA glownigger bidding, you're not using them, they're using you and you're gonna get fucked, plus the opposite of your goals is what's gonna happen in your country.