@Edge @fishsticks @zero I think it has some interesting quirks, it's a format where stuff like War Rock Earth Warrior and Vendread were seeing tournament success. Completely accurate in saying that it just changes the problems rather then fixing them. Some decks special summon once and win while others special summon 15 times in a turn to end on what is basically a vanilla beater and maybe a point of interaction.
Also Edison is just fun. A great format pulled from the middle of Synchro era.
@supersid333 @fishsticks @zero
Honestly I like Eddison, but yeah, once you factor out Konami's power creep you can find a lot of fun there. Any good fan formats you'd recommend? (I may or may not be trying to make a draft cube work.)
As for Trinity, if its discord mod didn't give you a red (or rather pink) flag, the fact that it tries to balance things by just limiting special summons should have given people pause. You're not fixing the game by doing so, you're just eliminating certain strategies. What if I want to play a swarm type deck? Still, it does have some interesting staple cards.