Why should I not purposefully bedrid myself, browsing the internet all day, watching movies, eating shitty tasty food, perform bare-minimum hygiene, masturbate and then finally painlessly kill myself once the finances dry out?
Why should I become a '"responsible adult", work my ass off to, get a degree, get a decent job or start a business, attract a girl, fuck her (this part's easy), make kids (lmao, repeating the fucking cycle all over), collect enough money for my retirement, live all alone literally dying with 20 types of medication and medical procedures (even if I manage to collect good amount of money) and then die a "natural death"?
The first is much more attractive IMHO. I do not care about making the world a better place. That would be hypocrite of me though, because I wouldn't have been here without philosophy, which is a part of the same plan. I still do not care
@envelopeme There is no reason not to
There's no reason to be
There's no reason not to be
Why should I live?
Why should I not live?
It's like negating the void. I get it. You can give life whatever meaning you want to, because there's none predefined. Either kill yourself with excuse number 1, or live making up meanings (living "just for the sake of it" is also a meaning) with excuse number 2
@envelopeme Why go the cowards way out? i mean whats the point in thinking life is meaningless when in reality is full of any meaning.
@dcc It is indeed the cowards way. And yeah, reality is full of meanings. You are right. I stayed mute because I couldn't think of any comeback