@Terry you hear anything about Russia adding a half million more troops? First I've heard.
@mischievoustomato @Samhydeigger yeah but they only cause a few casualties here and there. A half million troops would be like over 8 times what they committed to the zapo front, at least around rabotino (stolen mexican name?).
wew. this thing being over would be refreshing to see. it's gone for far too long and both sides seemed relatively limp dicked
true. wouldnt using drones be more humiliating though?
do they need that much soldiers? i doubt ukraine has that much niggas on the ground
@mischievoustomato @Samhydeigger well if they wanted to wrap this shit in a bow a half million extra troops would help.
@Samhydeigger theres rumors that they'll do another mobilization soon. Nothing official yet.
@mischievoustomato @Samhydeigger just you wait for some bullshit country to kick off a war with Iran, thats the next war happening imo.