The whole 'racist community is le hecking diverse!!' meme is pure Reddit dust and I don't know how some of you think that's funny. As if our pro-white movement is all just one big hecking wholesome family of non-whites that feuds but still love each other in the end. Cringe.
I'm gatekeeping all the lolberts who push this shit. No niggers, no spics, no jews, no pajeets, no ragheads, it's not hard and no you're not an exception.
- luithe repeated this.
>Never ask a racist what color his friends are
Actually all of my friends are White, are yours not?
All my friends are anime girl profile picture colored
Because hating Jews isn't our defining feauture. It's that we're white. We are a pro-white movement by whites and for whites. 'Based blacks', Mudslimes, C*tholic spics, Palestinians trash and whoever the fuck else hates jews for whatever reason aren't part of it.
@jetzkrieg Literally every other race hates jews and has good reason to hate jews. They are the most detestable creatures on earth.
I don't understand why you think you *wouldn't* get a rainbow coalition of people agreeing that jews are bad.
@jetzkrieg I'm definitely not brown and totally an anime girl giving a thumbs up rn
It's funny because it's absurd and nobody takes it seriously