I like that Fromsoft is leaning into more obvious happy endings. Elden Ring with Ranni's ending, Sekiro with the ending where the MC and the princess go on a journey to remove the curse from the prince without killing MC, and AC6 with Liberator and The Die is Cast.
IMO it's a lot better than "Idk MAYBE you saved people MAYBE you didn't :shrug:"
- :awoo_tired: shotgun snuggler :clownpiece_smug: and Gyaru Enjoyer like this.
@Kyonko802 im just tire of these nihilistic everything sucks endings
It feels nice for once
Hack writers think pessimism is realistic when hope is a fundamental human trait
@Vidmastereon dark souls never really went full nihilism but in an attempt to remain mysterious the endings were always vague. You don't know what happens if you re-light or put the fire out. Did you help people? Don't know, cross your fucking fingers bud.
@Kyonko802 Fun fact, the bootleg Ranni fumo is nakey under her dress. :cirno_sip:
@Kyonko802 Happy Ending Enjoyers : :chad0:
@Kyonko802 Sometimes I'm okay with the mysterious "did we do it?" endings, as long as the game gives enough information and context clues for the player to headcanon for himself. That's where the game can go beyond the game itself into the culture, sparking discussion. But sometimes it's too nebulous where I'd rather be told my efforts were for naught or it was a successful hero's journey.
I guess it depends... honestly it's been so long since my last mystery/vague ending.