Can anyone give me a quick rundown of which girl is more likely to hate jews?
If faggots like John Dee so much as touched a hammer in their entire lives I will eat my own shoe
@jimmybuffettfanaccount @ChristiJunior @nierenstein alchemy is literally just blacksmithing+mixing with magic involved tho
Dawn's rival is named Barry, and I've yet to meet a Barry irl who wasn't Jewish (Barry also constantly threatens to fine her large sums over small infractions). I'd say Dawn, unless there's a good case for Ryza being antisemitic.
I honestly find both contenders suspect. Alchemy shares much in common, from practitioners to symbolism, with Kabbalah, it’s all jewish dark magic, plus iirc ryza is a bit of a money grubber and a merchant. On the other hand, Pokémon are slaves, and Pokémon owners and traders are equivalent to African slave traders and owners in the real world, and we all know what group of people disproportionately participated in that industry. Theres no smoking gun proving the jewishness of either girl, but there is a lot of smoke.
I wouldn't know, I'm only talking about vidya game alchemy.
@ChristiJunior @nierenstein