@Zerglingman that is true, if people want to buy and speculate in surveillance coins then swap to Monero when they want to actually spend it for real things that is great, Monero is real money 👍
@nosat Yeah my current plan is to spin up a second bitcoin wallet - because I can't be bothered tracking addresses - and shove everything that I buy with KYC into there, immediately swap it into monero. Then do whatever with it, which will mostly be swapping it back to bitcoin to spend. -.-
>Bisq "Disputes are handled through a decentralized human mediation and arbitration system" It isn't an onchain system. It's more like a localbitoin market written on ipfs and similar.
>Basicswap DEX That's nice, didn't know about it. Seems to be pretty new too (1 month old)
>UnstoppableSwap That's the atomic swap implementation I was asking about. Which looks to be by far the safest solution right now.
Looked a bit more into basicswap, looks pretty solid. It is using atomic swaps to do the trade. Could be seen as a more easy to use atomic swap implementation. As long as the code is not bad it should be 100% decentralized.
@laurel@Zerglingman yup, it is promising, they just need to integrate all the configuration into the UI so oyu can just fire the thing up and configure your nodes and settings in an easy way
@nosat@laurel >docker STOP DOING CONTAINERS PROGRAMS WERE NEVER MEANT TO HAVE THEIR OWN OPERATING SYSTEMS WANTED TO ISOLATE THINGS ANYWAY, FOR A LAUGH? WE HAD A TOOL FOR THAT, IT'S CALLED CHROOTING etc. etc. It shouldn't be too hard to get it running without docker by inspecting the docker file.
mv: cannot move '_cffi_build/.' to './.': Device or resource busy mv: cannot move '_cffi_build/..' to './..': Device or resource busy mv: cannot move 'coincurve/.' to './.': Device or resource busy mv: cannot move 'coincurve/..' to './..': Device or resource busy mv: cannot move 'docs/.' to './.': Device or resource busy mv: cannot move 'docs/..' to './..': Device or resource busy mv: cannot move 'tests/.' to './.': Device or resource busy mv: cannot move 'tests/..' to './..': Device or resource busy mv: will not overwrite just-created './__init__.py' with 'tests/__init__.py'
what the fuck is this drug-addled shit lmao Now I need to figure out what pip install <dir> does.