i stayed at a 4 star hotel in germany a month ago and they didn't have AC but they had some 'sustainable ac' which means that it wasn't AC and it didn't work. they also didn't have a coffee machine or a fridge. europe in general but germany in particular is so ridiculous.
@lain >no coffee machine
b-but i thought europe was superior to america for having electric kettles!!!
@cell i guess the EU said that kettles are causing arctic melting or something
@cell @lain
Third World enthusiasts: :gigachad:
@ElDeadKennedy @cell 'third world' at least knows that you have to deliver if you take the money and can't just say 'well it's good for the planet'
now it wasn't that hot while i was there, so it was alright, but it can get 35+ easily in the summer, that's not something you want to do without AC
@lain @cell naming looks bad. Given the changes in modern technoindustrial society, I say we should rename "Third World" to "Free World"
@lain Did they at least have DC? :blobfoxthink:
@tk not even that, they kept all of that in washington
@lain you go through all the paperwork and deliberation to issue a “statement” then its another 5-10 years before it becomes law and even then actual implementation between member states is varied
if the EU actually cared we’d see action in the timescale of months not years