@Economic_Hitman that one is rare, for me it's more about somehow missing college credits or attending and somehow being absolutely unable to get my ass to a certain class or this one class I really need to finish for my degree, etc.
@coolboymew yeah, walking through endless school hallways to get there in time...
My guess is I keep having the "final exam" dream because my first time in college I got suicidal and dropped out. That year I pretty much skipped all my classes and exams too.
@Economic_Hitman weirdly enough it's not even weird esoteric stuff, I just cannot get myself to go, I keep forgetting, I don't go enough. It's really weird
@Economic_Hitman that's weird because I barely skipped in real life... except english (second language) classes because I ace that shit so hard it was a fucking waste of time
@coolboymew@Economic_Hitman back when I had just finished high school I kept waking up with an accelerated heart rate thinking "OH FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT THE HOMEWORK/THE POSTER/WHATEVER" I would be really desperate for like 5 minutes and then be like "oh right that shit is over" lmao
@ElDeadKennedy@Economic_Hitman really glad my HS barely gave homework. We had a end of year booklet we had to fill to do the exams and I always copied these from friends lmao
@coolboymew@Economic_Hitman and yeah I did really well in English too. The English practice books were hard to get so for the last like 5 or 6 years I didn't even bother to tell my parents I needed those books, I wouldn't even use them if I had them lol. Didn't even take notes or anything, I would just go to the exam without even knowing what it was about
@ElDeadKennedy@Economic_Hitman yeah the HS english classes were a joke, I was above and beyond everyone else. Scoring 95% without a sweat while sometimes the entire class would fail a test
@coolboymew@ElDeadKennedy French is your 1st language, right? So are you talking about HS English classes to *learn* the English language, or English literature classes, where you read Shakespeare and wrote essays about To Kill A Mockingbird?
@Economic_Hitman@ElDeadKennedy We barely read books in HS either. It mostly was snippets of a lot of texts that were printed out. I remember a lot of Edgar Allan Poe and one of the book we really had to read was Of Mice and Men
@Economic_Hitman@ElDeadKennedy I think a lot of the courses are to the teacher's discretion as long as we're able to write some sort of essay on a certain subject with x skills, errors etc at the end
@coolboymew@ElDeadKennedy ah ok. So did you have French literature clases, with higher expectations since that's your native tongue, and you have to do much more than be able to read and write it, but understand it on a literary level?
@Economic_Hitman@ElDeadKennedy I don't remember, it was just random snippets of texts usually, either in workbooks (made up?) or teacher printed and made
In college we had 4 mandatory French class. One of them was a massive medieval France + authors overview. Basically a quick history course, all the kings, etc. Probably the best French course I've had
Then other courses, more modern french authors, some local ones
@ElDeadKennedy@coolboymew you're from Argentina, right? So learning English as a 2nd lang (ESL) was similar to coolboymew, you didn't get too much into literature or analysis of it, just learning it?
And Spanish was what you studied in that regard instead?
@Economic_Hitman pretty sure mandatory second language classes sucks ass everywhere
Big chances that @ElDeadKennedy ended up in a similar situation to me, having to play English video games, possibly TV shows, eventually the Internet came, English websites and etc. being a big push to learn it
@Economic_Hitman@coolboymew we had some non-translated English books, but we didn't analyze them too deeply. It was mostly to practice reading comprehension
We also had Literature classes, but we would use Spanish (translated or native) books
@Economic_Hitman@coolboymew one particular video that I remember watching a lot as a child is this Resident Evil 4 parody. I didn't know English back then (I think? I guess, I was really small back then) but I would remember the original in-game dialogs (with subtitles) and this would help me understand the video