@eris my credit score is suffering because im not in debt
@animeirl @eris it's not credit score, it's a profitability meter
Mine is probably ultra low because I never ever get in debt for anything, it's wasted money usually
@animeirl @eris yeah it is, because that's ultimately wasted money/less money for someone when you do that
@coolboymew @eris it directly impacts what credit cards and loans you have access to
@coolboymew @eris it's not even a useful profitability meter since it penalizes you for doing stuff like closing old credit card accounts you don't use because you have better credit cards now
@pinguicula @eris @animeirl which would make no sense if it was actually a score to see if you can pay back a loan, so it's totally a profitability meter on how much of a sucker you are
@animeirl @eris @coolboymew you get penalized for paying what you owe too quickly.
@coolboymew @eris @animeirl pretty much, and you’re locked into it because employers are encouraged to look at it and it’s used as a discriminator for a lot of things.
@animeirl @eris @coolboymew No. They want you USING whatever financial products they offer to you, because that's how they generate revenue.
It's not a meter of your conscientiousness. It's not a gold star your kindergarten teacher gives you. It's a measure of how much money you stand to make them if they offer you credit.
@JAJAX @eris @coolboymew no that's the problem, they apparently do. If i had kept this account just sitting around unused forever then my credit score would be higher
@animeirl @eris @coolboymew Well that's the point isn't it? They don't want you to just get a credit card account and let it sit around.