I looked at their lockout guide last night. I didn't see anything about calling for a code. When was that posted? I want to see the wacky wayback. Was that posted as cover to the story?
This was the closest I saw on their guide.
Apparently they send the FBi with the code
Attorney client privilege.*
*I have never represented Donald Trump.
Dump the rom? Interesting. 🤔
Someone on twitter said that someone they knew was locked out and Liberty support said to call a locksmith to drill it, so no, they weren't giving out those codes to customers.
Does anybody know what microcontroller their safe uses ? Someone should read out the ROM chip and reverse it.
Now lets imagine the backdoor code is all of 20 digits long, anything longer is going to probably piss off the FBI guys too much to have to enter...
>>> math.log2(10**20)
That's less than 67 bits, so if we imagine they sha256() the code before checking it, that's like a couple of days searching with a GPU.
If they're smart, they used HMAC. If they're dumb, it's plaintext.
What are the odds it's basically an arduino and it'll take roughly a weekend to get the whole thing dumped out and disassembled into ASM code ?