Trying to not annoy my knees and putting vaporrub on it when it bothers me really did wonder on it. It feels golden today, even after the workout
Plus I put vaseline on my fucking face, go figure, the fancy cream I have only made the situation worse and vaseline just fucking solved everything somehow, so my face doesn't hurt anymore currently
So feeling pretty darn great today. I felt like a million bucks after the workout
@IsraelDelendaEst yeah no kidding
My skin has been unbalanced (again) ever seen I tried that one creme that just fucking burnt skin off. Lately the skin does that skin where the top layer just dies fucking slowly. It becomes less stretchy, making it annoying as fuck, then it finally dries out and cracks and dies slowly
Vaseline just simply made it not hurt anymore and separated the dead skin from the good skin. As if none of this shit happened
@coolboymew Vaseline is fucking magical.
@coolboymew I'll tell you what else is good, lanolin. I use it as case lube and just handling those cases helps my dishydrosis.