jim sterling is like the only vidya journo content producer with a bird eye's view on the subculture
@ChristiJunior @mario
Didn't he change his name to Stephanie or some shit because he likes taking it up the ass that much?
@mario Jim Sterling is a stupid, unfunny, worthless, degenerate fat piece of shit.
@SoyMagnus @ChristiJunior @mario what shooting? It's been going on since the early 2010s and by the time gg happened dude was the joke of imageboards.
@Pawlicker @ChristiJunior @SoyMagnus @mario I'd say his beef with Digital Homicide was the absolute and probably the only peak of his career.
@ChristiJunior @mario when i was watching him he hadnt added any of his political views but he was qetty brutal and honest about game devs screwing customers and i liked that. After that shooting itball changed and he went full libturd sadly. He had some good potential but i guess being a tranny was too tempting
@ChristiJunior @mario i liked him for his production value back when he used to do video game content kinda similar to a knock off angry joe. But thats been many years when there was one of those school shootings he went full nigger faggot and never made a come back imo
@SoyMagnus @mario Only video I watched was his Yooka-Laylee review, and it amazed me just how incredibly, aggressively unfunny the man was, so many forced jokes, not one of them close to landing or even merely being somewhat painless.
Other than that I've heard his various SJW takes, and those alone make him a worthless, soulless subhuman.
@mint @Pawlicker @ChristiJunior @mario i remember that that was around the time i lost interest in him. I think he made a video review of that one game about you getting aifs from being raped by a black man and then you had to go shoot them all. Wish i couldve played that one before it got pulled it looked stupid lol
@Pawlicker @ChristiJunior @SoyMagnus @mario I can't believe someone that looks like this has the gall to lecture "fat neckbeard gamers" on fucking anything
(I can)
@YTFoidLover1488 @Pawlicker @SoyMagnus @mario MovieBob Syndrome