@coolboymew if those glass boxes were shipped in those cardboard boxes, with zero padding, I don't know what they're trying to illustrate, because I know exactly what they were expecting. The boxes don't even say "fragile" or "glass". Why not just break it themselves and get the fraud done faster?
- cool_boy_mew likes this.
@aven @coolboymew
>people don't treat something with kid gloves that doesn't even ask for it
woah, deep
so what goth girls are doing is stamping 'fragile' on their bodies
and let's not forget that one Joker and his 'damaged' tattoo
thank you, Beshty
I am ready to launder money now for your glass box
@aven @coolboymew it's probably just because it's interesting seeing what kind of patterns you get out of the shattered glass on each trip.
Surprise FedEx hasn't tried to sue the guy or something and say he's making bed claims about their business
@RyokoPilled @aven these companies are widely known to be treating packages like shit and people working there can tell you about the package drop at the processing center
They better not to
@coolboymew @aven it just seems like the kind of thing a bored spiteful corporate lawyer would do
@aven @coolboymew It's not supposed to be a publicity stunt or a gotcha on logistics companies, the shipping is the artist's process to create unique pieces. The laminate glass boxes were specifically made to fit into standard shipping boxes as closely as possible so that they would crack, but not break.