This is why you don't want anarchy immediately in a society were statism had been the norm.
- cool_boy_mew likes this.
@mangeurdenuage @maxmustermann anyone wanting an actual eyewitness account of "what it was like", well it was actually less scary than Hempfest or Folk life, which are yearly licensed festivals in Seattle :0060: mostly just a quiet day at the park with some larpers in the distance trying to set up a farm the size of a small apartment on the lawn over tarps
@mangeurdenuage @maxmustermann it was super cool of Covid 19 to completely respect CHOP borders BTW, we were able to have a normal street fair at the height of covid while everyone else was sheltering in place
@mangeurdenuage @maxmustermann my favorite part was when I started to find common ground with black people in a conversation pit and old noticeable ladies kept banging pots and pans and telling us to disperse so that a supply truck could come through which never actually appeared.
@mangeurdenuage @maxmustermann I spent a whole Saturday there, actually. A lot of people assumed I was a cop or fed. I just asked questions, had some honest conversations
@olmitch @maxmustermann
> A lot of people assumed I was a cop or fed
Reminds me of the first time I went to the GHM.
@maxmustermann Who rembers CHAZ ? I rember.
@olmitch @maxmustermann