@Senator_Armstrong @Owl Here's some quotes from Mohammed's last speech, literally his "Farewell Adress:"
"O people! Listen to my words well and judge well. Know that Muslims of all races are brothers to other Muslims. All believers are brothers. A brother's property is not halal to another as long as there is no approval. Do not allow injustice, tricks or treachery."
"O people! Your Lord is one; your father is one. People are equal in Islam. You are all children of Adam; and Adam was created from clay. The most valuable among you in Allah's presence is the one who takes refuge in Allah most, holds tightest to His commands, becomes cleansed from sin, and is protected from wrath. An Arab has no merit over a non-Arab, nor a non-Arab over an Arab; a black has no merit over a red-skinned person, nor a red-skinned over a black - except for piety."
Yeah man, have fun justifying an anti-miscegenation stance with that, lol.