this always chafes IRL when people will talk a big parenting game, but then expect you not to hold them to their own standards by waving away lazy parenting w/ “yeah but we’re the exception, my kids misbehave unless I feed them goyslop and ritalin!!! Other parents are awful for doing it, but it’s different when I do!!!”
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 12-Aug-2023 08:12:09 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 12-Aug-2023 08:35:26 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@AshChapelsGhost I’ll make it a goal to foster readers. It was my thing as a kid, much more fun than much of the garbage media that’s out there. If you’re in white areas then then library systems are pretty good these days, too
Ash Chapel's Holly Jolly Tiddies ('s status on Saturday, 12-Aug-2023 08:35:27 JST Ash Chapel's Holly Jolly Tiddies
@WashedOutGundamPilot I kept my daughter company when she woke up screaming from a nightmare. I sat there and held her, and assured her she wouldn't be left alone and unable to eat. I did my fucken job as a dad. The school psychiatrist said she had ADD and wanted my kid doped, and I knew it was just that she was bored. So I promised her if she'd behave in class, I'd get her books. Kid cost me a fortune (you have no idea how voracious a reader a bored 11 year old can be), but I got a bright kid who makes me proud every day, and who goes fishing with me every weekend she can get off work.
Parenting's not that hard. Humans have been doing it for either 8k years or 150k years (depending on if you believe in truth or science), and we got this far. Just do what you wish somebody would do for you when something scary, boring, or frustrating happens. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 12-Aug-2023 08:36:02 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Twoinchdestroya Now you just need to make sure any time you see a kid on an ipad you scoff loudly saying “can you BELIEVE people just give their kids an ipad like that?!?!”
Twoinchdestroya ('s status on Saturday, 12-Aug-2023 08:36:03 JST Twoinchdestroya
@WashedOutGundamPilot My boy Taylor is a menace without his gamer goyslop and 24/7 iPad viewing, you don't get it -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 12-Aug-2023 10:25:03 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@monsterislandcolonizer @Victor_Emmanuel @blaaablaaaa I’ve never pretended I’d be an ascetic, though. I’m realistic about how much goyslop I’ll let them have
Hollyjollytailspike ('s status on Saturday, 12-Aug-2023 10:25:04 JST Hollyjollytailspike
@blaaablaaaa @WashedOutGundamPilot Childless people often have this vision of parenting as something that isn't extremely taxing and a full time job.
>"I would never let my kid look at an ipad!"
You spend 12 hours a day looking at either your phone or computer, we'll see about that.
>"I would never let my kid eat goyslop!"
Says the guy who only eats goyslop and can't cook. -
Victor_Emmanuel ('s status on Saturday, 12-Aug-2023 10:25:04 JST Victor_Emmanuel
@monsterislandcolonizer @blaaablaaaa @WashedOutGundamPilot Parents are lying about how hard it is for clout. Raising kids is super easy. I am actively temping God and fate to prove me wrong. -
Hollyjollytailspike ('s status on Saturday, 12-Aug-2023 10:25:04 JST Hollyjollytailspike
@Victor_Emmanuel @blaaablaaaa @WashedOutGundamPilot you're in for it buddy
you're gonna have little hellraisers like i have -
blaaablaaaa ('s status on Saturday, 12-Aug-2023 10:25:05 JST blaaablaaaa
4:45?! Kid is sleeping in. Every case is unique but there are general screentime rules which should be no brainers like not being glued to a screen at meals and with company. I haven't heard anything that egregious regarding being that hypocritical.
I know people whose kids sleep wild and wacky hours and it would be impossible to get any sleep if he didn't get a little screen time, I'm not going to say anything negative about that. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 12-Aug-2023 10:32:09 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@SettlerLife I’ve never been bored in my entire life, we always had something to do. I can’t see my kids being bored, either. Too many fun things here to keep them occupied
SettlerLife ('s status on Saturday, 12-Aug-2023 10:32:10 JST SettlerLife
@WashedOutGundamPilot Don't people bitch all the time about stay at home parents having nothing to do? There was also a time before the TV when people had kids.
>"saying that when *you* eat goyslop and spend time on the screen"
There's a perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone right there. -
Ash Chapel's Holly Jolly Tiddies ('s status on Sunday, 13-Aug-2023 01:03:04 JST Ash Chapel's Holly Jolly Tiddies
@KG_Analytical_Dynamics_LLC @WashedOutGundamPilot Yeah. In truth, the toy should be a reward, not a babysitter.
The kid did her chores? She gets an hour of game time. She did all her homework this week? We're going down to the river this Saturday. She wants to watch that show? Well, she -did- help me change my oil (kinda wish she was a grease monkey instead of a nurse, but I'm still pretty proud. Her grandma would be, too). I can let her catch a few episodes.
Kids will listen. They WANT your approval. And they learn that if you work, you can get what you really want.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Sunday, 13-Aug-2023 01:03:05 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@KG_Analytical_Dynamics_LLC @AshChapelsGhost I don’t think the guy is a bad parent at all, he’s just reminding me of the big-talking millennial dads I know who talk a really big game but then relent at the tiniest bit of child pushback as if it’s impossible to govern their kids.
Bugs me hearing adults say stupid shit like “oh you don’t know what it’s like if I say to to my 5 year old!!!!”. Embarrassing and gay, just call it what it is and say you know it’s bad but you like being able to take the easy way out
KG_Analytical_Dynamics_LLC ('s status on Sunday, 13-Aug-2023 01:03:05 JST KG_Analytical_Dynamics_LLC
@WashedOutGundamPilot @AshChapelsGhost Yes, you're right. My point is more along the lines of these people are incapable of governing their kids like you're saying. They're all too willing to cede control to a toy, video etc under the weakest of stressors. I still believe this pattern of behavior will raise shitty kids. Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
KG_Analytical_Dynamics_LLC ('s status on Sunday, 13-Aug-2023 01:03:06 JST KG_Analytical_Dynamics_LLC
@AshChapelsGhost @WashedOutGundamPilot It's almost as if giving a shit about your kids well-being pays dividends. That person in the tweet I'd almost guarantee will end up blaming everyone, but themselves when there kid turns out to be a fuck up. -
Ash Chapel's Holly Jolly Tiddies ('s status on Sunday, 13-Aug-2023 01:03:12 JST Ash Chapel's Holly Jolly Tiddies
@WashedOutGundamPilot @KG_Analytical_Dynamics_LLC Yeah. Quit complaining about your kid, and ask yourself "How would dad handle this?" Or "Ask dad, he knows!" I wish my old man was still around when I needed those questions answered. But like most Mexicans, he liked greasy food too much and overworked himself. Still, at least trying to be like him solved a shit-ton of my worries, even if I thought i was fucken it up. XD
In short, if you can't ask your dad, try to do what you think dad would do.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this.