starting to think we wouldn't have had so many faggots on the internet today had people used Shoujo Ramune instead of boku no pico for trolling in the early days
that shota hentai must've turned people into raging faggots
@SenSen_93 October 7th, 2016.
@Meemoo When did Shoujo Ramune come out?
@lina fags have been advocating for the legalization of homosexuality for decades and failing
Suddenly people start trolling with 1 Shota hentai and it suddenly gets legalized in the states and "normalized" across the west :thinkinghrr:
@Meemoo be my guest, go back in time and abort boku no pico, see if things are still unchanged, i'm curious myself now
@SenSen_93 I've been recommending it whenever I could for the longest time now.
sadly it's not picking up because anime is already mainstream
@Meemoo Damn. You think there's a window of opportunity to recommend it to AniTourists for shits and giggles? Might be narrow as hell though.