> That doesn't follow. I am not an american and do not care about the CDC. The rest of the world isn't as fucked up as the US and our data isn't as suspect.
This is retarded, you think that somehow America is more corrupt than Canada or the UK? Canada and the UK are literally laughing stocks of the world because they constantly do shit that makes no sense and only makes things worse for their citizens, in the name of diversity or whatever. Also, you have no evidence to suggest that somehow other countries' data is more valid.
> That is comparing apples and oranges. Different vaccines carry different amounts of risk.
No it's not comparing apples to oranges. like I said most previous vaccines had similar rates of adverse affects, it's only the covid vaccine that has a x100 increase in adverse affects.
> This data is not valid. I've looked into it over and over again everytime someone like you posts it, and every time it's the same BS that only shows that the people reading it don't understand base rates.
This is literally from the Center for Research on Globalization, a Canadian site I believe:
So at this point you're just ignoring any evidence that goes against your pre-established beliefs.
> Not everyone in medical science is a liar. That just paints you into an untenable corner
Obviously not everyone is lying, but the point is that we aren't going to be able to tell, because there's so much contradictory "evidence".