@SNEK @LivingSpaceStudios @coolboymew WTF? That's a messed up thing to do to the face of your non-horror franchise.
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@ChristiJunior @SNEK @LivingSpaceStudios you didn't know? It's full of these and it's like... why
@ChristiJunior @LivingSpaceStudios @coolboymew Failed QTEs were pretty brutal for not reason.
@coolboymew @SNEK @LivingSpaceStudios No, I didn't. I had heard that the latest Lara Croft movie was shockingly brutal and completely ruined the fun of the adventure by being all dark and serial, but I didn't know the modern Tomb Raider games had gone Full Ryona.
@ChristiJunior @SNEK @LivingSpaceStudios @coolboymew Yeah that's ridiculous, the sheer impact would sever her spinal cord and instantly kill her, no flailing around at all. Whoever did that animation was just deranged.
@victor @SNEK @LivingSpaceStudios @coolboymew It just seems so out of place in a non-horror game.
@ChristiJunior @victor @SNEK @coolboymew TBF the original Tomb Raider had some pretty brutal death animations but it also a cool, hot chick with a large rack shooting dinosaurs and Aztec feather-nigger demons in the face with machine pistols and doing cool acrobatic platforming in hotpants.
@ChristiJunior @coolboymew @LivingSpaceStudios @SNEK The latest Tomb Rider movie is basically based upon the reboot ( Lara lost dad, Lara seeks dad, Lara gets stranded on an Island, Lara does Crofty stuff )..
@ChristiJunior @SNEK @LivingSpaceStudios @coolboymew that animator/writer must have not been happy about the laura mouse direction
@ChristiJunior @victor @LivingSpaceStudios @SNEK @coolboymew The first installment of the Tomb Raider reboot was written by the same writer of the original Mirror's Edge game, Terry Prattchett's daughter, Rhianna Pratchett.
@SNEK @victor @ChristiJunior @coolboymew Agreed. Having gorey death animations when you fuck up at platforming or combat is fine but having to watch a boring, unskippable cutscene all over again because you missed a sudden button prompt that can't be predicted is not good game design.
@LivingSpaceStudios @victor @ChristiJunior @coolboymew Getting mauled by bears and wolves is supposed to be brutal and technically you're in control of that fail state the entire time. That QTE isn't immersion breaking exactly because the whole game is like that, but it nuTR did not feel very TD, so it didn't really earn that brutality when it comes out of nowhere as a result of a failed button prompt.