ActivityPub has an "outbox" that all software implements because it's part of the standard. It shows a paginated list of all your public posts ever. But if you scrape it "without permission" people get very upset and say you're violating their privacy. Instead we use the inbox exclusively, and only deal with events we receive. Meanwhile Nostr relays are pure outboxes. Seems like a missed opportunity. And why do they leave it in all the software if people cry and scream about invading their privacy so much?
- Machismo repeated this.
Nostr, like the original ActivityPub spec, was created by a breed of aliens who mine the pain and suffering of humans for an energy source.
@alex I think the unstated reason is that people liked the small, weird network where interactions all felt personal.
@Moon @alex
>anti-search sentiment here is basically white replacement theory for fediblockers
@alex nostr has a different implied contract and the architecture is such so it doesn't feel as offensive that everything is indexed, it just is what it is and if you don't like it then don't use it.
anti-search sentiment here is basically white replacement theory for fediblockers
@coolboymew @alex suddenly culture changing is bad when it's their culture.