Summer Abby and MAI FRIENDO get SQs today
@Moto_Chagatai i was expecting some stupid bullshit like with the caster buff but hey they got something right
still coudlve been better tho :akko_sus:
@AstolfoCockVore I don't use Mandricardo much so IDK how to feel about this but it says he dies at end of turn so it must be a huge improvement from before
@Moto_Chagatai yeah end of turn and the buff part lasts for more than 1 hit
so the issue was that youd want to do a chain with the np but using the np immediately kills him
but using the face cards first would also just kill him immediately so youre better off not doing them even tho the skill also has a fat crit buff
tldr it was a very flawed skill to say the least