Nightmare day, finally over!
Got a severe concussion, early this morning. Felt nauseated after waking up quite late, went to the bathroom. Then lost consciousness instantly and no recollection of head slamming a wall, seizure for a few minutes on the bedroom floor.
Thankfully Benny and Rhandal were home this morning. Normally Rhandal is at work, Benny usually goes for a morning walk before I wake up.
Ambulance and four triage cars were split all over the front of the estate street, much to the whispers and people coming outside their houses wondering why such a response for one house.
Lost saturated oxygen while having the seizure I've been told and first triage car arrived in 4 minutes flat. An outstanding response from Queensland ambulance, I will give thanks for everything they did. They were wonderful after I woke up in the ambulance and then started vomitting and having slight convulsions.
I've never had a true head concussion before, wouldn't wish that on anyone else either. It's truly a wake-up call with everything I've been going through lately with my B cell lymphoma and brain tumour. I seriously thought it was the tumour until I was told a few times that I'd suffered a severe concussion. Stupidly I asked some nurse staff at one point, if they'd tell my kids that I loved them. At that point it was CT scan time and I'm absolutely terrified of claustrophobic spaces.
Benny's mum arrived from over an hour drive away by the time I'd been settled into an emergency bed. It was fantastic to have instant support on hand, knowing Benny couldn't leave the kids with Rhandal alone on his own.
Glad to be home and feeling a lot better.
Thought it was 3w ago my bad.
@thebitchisback I hope you get well soon queen.