If I didn't have this browser, I think most of my RAM would sit idle.
"Quote" that person with the Mars and such:
Perhaps HTML by nature causes a huge mess of unreadable code. Or maybe it's just the Pajeets of Mozilla.
Judging by that new partitioned caching object manager the Chromium people came up with, and the fresh start they got, I would expect their HTML implementation is probably about as good as it gets. Or maybe Safari is. Maybe it's even written in ObjC.
> The way the propagation works as things stand has to do with who is following who; posts associated with the activities of anyone on FSE is following make their way here. So posts, replies, likes, etc., the idea being that the posts likely to be of interest to people on this instance are the posts of interest to the people we're following. It's a really carefully designed system.
OK, but that requires that every node knows all that stuff about FSE and every other node: sounds like a big database, requiring careful syncing.