Had a super weird dream this morning.
@Halo @kilostere and some other Varis bros offered me a trip with the them to the Caribbean, and apparently through the Mississippi River later on. I accepted, though apparently we didn't share transportation. I had to use my own vehicle, but didn't have anyone ride with me.
We traveled through a super bizarro version of the region I live in, and eventually came to crossing in the interstate highway. For some reason, we met up with this one crazy guy with van covered in decals. Either Halo started following him or told me over cell to follow him. I did, but he led me to some bizzaro arcade/entertainment complex. I assumed that everybody would arrive for a side attraction on our trip, but only the rando and I were there.
Realizing fully what happened, I desperately drove down the interstate trying to get back to everyone, but I could not find the convoy again. Cell phone reception was also spotty, and when I could get reception, I was told how the group was already on a ferryship to sail to planned vacation. I found what I thought was the ferry, but it turned out to be a resort hotel and cheesy theme ride for the 700 Club, which in real life is a religious TV show started by Pat Robertson. In a defeated daze, I began driving back the way I came.
At some point, I gave up searching (even though I supposedly knew everybody was well past where I was), parking in the middle of the highway, yet was finally able to call someone on my cellphone. I called @kilostere . He said how the group was already in Oklahoma going up the Mississippi (I know that's impossible, just humor me). Frustrated with it all, I began yelling at him loudly, using choice epithets, how the group abandoned me when I got lost, how they let me follow that jackass, how the trip was disorganized without any communication, etc. I woke soon after. I think I was yelling in real life, as I have a tendency to do that when dreaming.
This was the second dream I had that involved the Fediverse.
Anyways, how is your day so far Varis? :zt_sip: