@AdHocToth @Consoomer88 @Owl @Humber @BowsacNoodle @Groomschild @graf Yeah, Sven’s not really being fair to Graf because Sven really doesn’t understand the technology behind any of this.
The DM leaks he’s complaining about aren’t leaks of HIS DMs. They’re just like getting a hold of someone’s cellphone and digging through the messages. “Sarah” can send pictures of her cooch to “Steve” and later delete Steve and his messages from her phone when she gets a new boyfriend.
This doesn’t delete the cooch pics from Steve’s phone. Steve can go back and look at those pictures a year from now because his phone kept them on his side. Sven’s messages are gone. Rand’s aren’t and because his account still exists, that conversation is still there.
On Twitter, it would have nuked them. But Twitter is a completely centralized website. If Twitter has CSAM, it’s Twitter’s fault. If the fediverse tab on poast has CSAM, the best Graf can do is block poast from “talking” to that website, and report them to the FBI and Canadian FBI.