@noyoushutthefuckupdad@ChristiJunior >see retard normie coomers do pronoun shit >correct them on their mistakes >"omg why do you care so much anyway"
because language matters, as does the ability to identify and describe reality. perpetuating this miasma of deceit (which is what trannyism is) makes you complicit in the destruction in the common links between people, and the undermining of society in a wider context.
@Nudhul@noyoushutthefuckupdad That said, it's an important point - being able to sneakily gain ground gradually is a very important part of the culture war. /ourguys/ definitely ought to look for and make more use of small ways to defy GloboHomo in lowkey ways that make our enemies look weird when they correct us.
Like saying "transsexual" instead of "transgendered".