"Grab a seat buddy. You won't be getting my favorite IPA on tap until I've explained to you the Epic Stuff from my childhood you've missed out on."
"I only like grand strategy games or games with cute girls. If I can have both at the same time, it's a 10/10."
"We're gonna be here a while."
@Bead @synapsid I want that shirt :rinuwu:
Me on left
Also me on right
Also me staring at these images and trying not to explain to the person that posted them the glory of cheap beer and Japanese bullet hell shooters as ludo-narrative expression of historical events.
I know you do Mew. Also you should check out that person I CCed you about the other day ago. I follow them because they are in the maker community and visit a lot of very interesting Japanese expos, but they are also a hardcore idol otaku who makes his own light sticks and will take time off work to travel across the county to pick up a limited release Love Live character CD.
@Bead @synapsid pretty sure I followed them but I've never seen them on the timeline so far unfortunately
They post pretty infrequently besides the usual GM/GN post. They are a very interesting person, and if you have a chance to engage them in a conversation I highly recommend it.