gave the cat his usual food and he ate a little but i think the whole ordeal of not finding his usual food in the bowl twice in a row got him upset.
i went to the bathroom and heard him complaining somewhere. walked out. he was standing right behind the door so it smacked into him and he scurried under the bed.
he's not the smartest thing. he's a grown cat, yet the fact that doors can open is still news to him.
he also assumes that anytime i get up, it's because he did something wrong. if he is eating and i get up, he runs away from the food bowl. he has never ever been punished for eating, but he's just so simpleminded that he can't figure out how things are connected. he never pieced out "when i do that, this will happen" and has instead simply learned that "when the human moves while i do anything that i enjoy, i need to go away."
the world must be an extremely confusing and unpredictable place to him. he just doesn't have the brain power to understand it.