It will destroy the hotel industry, they said
- matrix07012 :thotpatrol: :cunnyEmpire: likes this.
@mushroom_soup My favorite thing about a Days Inn hotel is I don’t have to sleep with my head next to a toilet.
@Royper @mushroom_soup Don't *have* to.
Just choose to.
@Nou @mushroom_soup It’s not my thing but I found the perfect bathroom for you to curl up in.
@Royper @mushroom_soup Lmao.
I once dated a chick with carpeted bathrooms. It was... less than ideal.
That being said, I have spent more than one night passed o... I mean asleep on the bathroom floor. And some cushioning would have been nice.
@Nou @mushroom_soup I’m not gonna say I’ve never slept on the bathroom floor. It’s just not the ideal place.