DIE Neoliberalism is metaphysical communism.
“Communism kills the body but liberalism rots the soul.”
@LovecraftEnthusiast I mean Communism could be soul-crushing too. It's just liberalism optimizes the vice-delivery mechanisms Communism had to fall back on when its promises of material prosperity failed. We are being drowned in numbing agents that cut us off from the natural joys and sufferings of life. Public expressions of higher purpose have steadily been corrupted and marginalized. For now it's thankfully possible to find richness and meaning provided you can unplug a little, but it's difficult to organize anything at scale to offer resistance, as the vices of the regime penetrate through the whole of the population.
I believe the quote is meant to illustrate that soft forms of leftism prepare the way for the final death. Liberalism hollows out all the vital value systems of society so that by the time the body is endanger of communism asserting itself it has already lost the vigor and spirit to even defend itself
@ArdainianRight It's the worst of all worlds. At least old-school commies persecuted faggotry.
@ChristiJunior In the First World where everyone's basic physical needs are more or less taken care of, there isn't really any fertile soil for material communism to grow, there isn't the needed physical hunger to spur people to radicalism. But the spiritual have-not exists in every age, and if anything is more potent in an age of decadence. People always have a need for belonging, and there is a certain class of dysfunctional misfit who can't meet this need normally because they burn every bridge around them. Division and atomization multiply this effect and reduce the number of social guardrails.
As society decays, the lumpenproletariat swells. Marx himself dismissed them because he actually believed in building a functioning communist society. Spiritual communism has no such delusions, as the lumpen has no use for ideals, only the temporary soothing of his bestial passions. The lumpen has nothing but a hunger which by its nature can never be sated, though he is an utter wretch with nothing else, hunger in a decadent and apathetic society provides an energy which is lacking elsewhere. And so the lumpen is the perfect slave, absolutely bound to his vices and thus his dealer. This creates a cohesion within the ruling structure that could not otherwise be achieved in a diverse and divided society.