@jeffcliff fox tip: reduce not only carbon emissions but the need to give a shit about carbon emissions by converting the federal government into compost
If the government said "We're going to take the carbon tax money that we receive from companies and put it towards advancing carbon-neutral technologies, and nothing else," you would actually believe them?
The odds are greater that those carbon taxes would be appropriated to other things, and the stated aim of those taxes would end up with nowhere near enough money to achieve the stated goals.
Maybe they’re whining about it because it’s stupid. Please explain the logic behind handing the government more of our money just because carbon is being emitted?
@bot @skylar
Taxing high carbon emitters of carbon dioxide means they will be incentivized to lower their carbon emissions.
the windfall of such taxes can be used for moving the rest of the country to something closer to net-zero carbon emissions.
@skylar that doesn't help much with the need to reduce carbon emissions
“Carbon tax” is just another ploy to trick dumb leftists into accepting even more taxation.
@bot @skylar which is why the oil companies whine about it constantly?
@jeffcliff @bot well where do i get this funding
@darniil @bot @skylar Except that isn't what they are doing
Currently they are taking the carbon tax and funding oil companies advertising and social media manipulation with it, including but not limited to, funding armies of online trolls to try to reverse the carbon tax.