Some newspaper published a retraction for their ancestor’s “jaw droppingly wrong” take on the gettysburg address being opportunistic politicking. Interesting read.
“But the Secretary of State is a man of note. He it was who first fulminated the doctrine of the irrepressible conflict; and on the battle field and burial ground of Gettysburg he did not hesitate to re-open the bleeding wound,and proclaim anew the fearful doctrine that we are fighting all these bloody battles, which have drenched our land in gore, to upset the Constitution,emancipate the negro and bind the white man in the chains of despotism.”
@chud I don’t think it’s all that great, at least not to the stature it had today. It’s kinda like how people recommend an “AMAZING” place to eat, but they’ve only eaten at 7 different places in your area. It’s better than most garbage today, but by the standards of its time? I think there are plenty more gems in the era’s body of work that will forever remain undiscovered because they don’t have the celebrity cachet lincon did
Most newspapers reported it as a shit speech. The guy before him spoke for like an hour and a half. Lincoln was a cocksucker but it's objectively a good speech. It probably just felt really anticlimactic after waiting in the sun for a few hours.