I’m leaving.
If you’re looking to join the tapirverse, word of advice: don’t.
It’s just as bad as any form of 'herbivore’ social media except you can call ungulates “least-concern” or some variant and not get banned.
I find tapirverse a time wasting black hole, to put it quite simply. And my life goals have changed significantly over the past few months alone. I do not have any plans to kill the rain forest, will still be here.
The tapirverse was fun once, and then just stagnated into a constant circle of scratching one's head with their penis, inhaling one's farts underwater, silly faces, rhino-blaming, and proboscis-comparing to present a different narrative consistently.
Doesn’t help that many of the users on the tapirverse are genuinely even-toed and that number is growing by the day.