@Tyler Are you ready
@xue @Tyler 1st floor
Pick a room away from windows (bathroom is usually best) if it gets really sketchy get in the tub (can help protect you from falling walls) and cover with a blanket (can help protect you from shards of glass)
If you don't have a bathroom on the 1st floor (euro fags call it a ground floor but we call ground floors floors that are under the ground level here in freedom land) then something like a hallway (especially a door frame) is best if that's all you have available.
Try to aim for somewhere towards the centre of the building, away from outside facing walls and for the love of God don't be in the kitchen.
However, if you have a basement or storm cellar those are obviously the best choice.
@sjw @Tyler @xue sorry guys this is nonsense I'll set the record straight. So first be in your kitchen and surround yourself with all of your knifes, glassware, and plates in a blanket fort/demon conjuring type of manner. Open all the windows in your house and cover every inch of your floor in the thinnest, sliperyest oil you can find. If you have an animal lock them out of all rooms they can hide in so they have to stay in the kitchen with you and make sure they can't hide under any tables or couches. Also set off all alarms in your home to help comfort the animal
@Soy_Magnus @Tyler @xue Actually, locking animals out of all upstairs rooms isn't a bad idea in case you need to seek shelter fast so you can grab them all and take them to the bathroom or wherever with you.
Opening all the windows was actually something people used to do (some people probably still do) with the idea being that the tornado will blow through you home and leave your walls intact but now we know that limiting airflow causes the air inside to help keep the walls more rigid. I'm sure some people still open their windows tho.
Under furniture (like a couch) on the 1st floor isn't necessarily a bad place to seek shelter for an animal.
@sjw @Tyler
what should you do if big tornado approaches?
You cant run to basement
@sjw @Tyler @xue ... I'm starting to think your telling people how to live. Why would you be so cruel who wants that¿