can't wait for the faggot civil war to come. i've got my money on TERF butch dykes, now those are some violent mofo's.
- Immahnoob likes this.
@GrungeQueef Lesbians are hit *a lot* harder by tranny bullshit than faggots are.
Lots of non-surgery trannies just decide to be gay men, but there is a huge, huge issue with trannies trying to force lesbians into accepting dick. I was informed by a friend that the lesbian reddit got so filled with trannies that women had to create another one specifically for non-trannies, which then got overran by trannies because it was transphobic and Lesbians need to learn to like dick.
Muff Divers will likely lead the faggot revolution against trannies.
@Kallian @GrungeQueef These non surgery trannies are partially doing the trans maxxing thing trying the get the lesbians to suck that feminine dick. :keku:
Though, don't feel bad for those carpet munchers U haul drivers and terfs. They enabled and encouraged the tranny faggottry ruining our shit in the first place. I'm just gonna enjoy the retards fighting each other.