@coolboymew this movie was good, surprisingly hetero, but I understand that it's not at all something you'd enjoy. a movie about acting on the stage and acting in romantic relationships while maintaining multiple personae and Bill Murray as your wingman is far from the usual SPC Movie Night fare. the only people who stuck around for the whole movie are the ones who appreciate this artfaggotry.
- cool_boy_mew likes this.
@noyoushutthefuckupdad I basically burnt myself on MMBN then had the big precure watch, my attention span is at an all time low lol
@coolboymew you can save it for the podcast recording tomorrow.
@noyoushutthefuckupdad @coolboymew An oddly comfy movie. Rare to see sitcoms in movie form, most comedies are based on gags, if they exist, the closest we get to comedies anymore is when they make the funny quip in the Marvel movie every 38.63 seconds.