Discord is opening the monetization floodgates with microtransaction stores
Link: https://www.pcgamer.com/discord-is-opening-the-monetization-floodgates-get-ready-for-microtransaction-stores-and-paid-exclusive-memes/
Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36429988
- Machismo repeated this.
@hn100 Surprise!
@Zerglingman @hn100 Dicksore users stay losing!
@SuperSnekFriend @Zerglingman @hn100
its been a sinking ship since 2019
this is just in character
@theorytoe @hn100 @SuperSnekFriend I think it's been a sinking ship since much earlier than that. eg. that FAQ about selfbots (that I think they did actually finally fix)
But that sounds like about when they did all the rubbish with verified bots? It's incredible how many people sucked that cock
😂 😂 😂
@Zerglingman @SuperSnekFriend @hn100
selfbots wasnt really an issue ever
rather when they did all the verified bots thing people freaked out because i tprotty much limited anything you could do with a bot to like 2 things
in general discord really fell hard once they got that majority share from tencent and the company started rebranding as a result
@theorytoe @hn100 @SuperSnekFriend The selfbot thing was just hilarious because of how many levels of sheer retardation were involved.
It was obvious, through common sense, that they would ban selfbots they found/got reported.
But they'd always just cite an ambiguous ToS violation. There was nothing of the sort in there, nothing of the sort in the developer ToS (that you never actually had to agree to to run one anyway), nor in the community guidelines.
The FAQ that they had to "clear things up" was lifted directly from the dev *docs* (I could probably even still point you to the exact page it appears on, assuming they haven't rewritten them all since then), and effectively banned AHK and the like instead of actual selfbots due to a bit of poor wording.
@hn100 @SuperSnekFriend @theorytoe OH ACTUALLY THIS REMINDS ME
There was also that time that I confused one of the Discord devs by pointing out a bug in their permission system, on the help page for the advanced/technial/detailed explanation of it.
@theorytoe @hn100 @SuperSnekFriend (*Confused as in "after ~5 comments each, they still couldn't get it")
@Zerglingman @SuperSnekFriend @hn100 iirc they were pretty much against custom clients and banned anyone with a sussy connection on sight
hasnt stopped me from using them
@theorytoe @hn100 @SuperSnekFriend From some of their comments/statements I took it that they didn't care about things like betterdiscord - though the fact that something with that name even existed is a joke, and the better joke is that it wasn't actually all that much better if you just had a decent window manager.
@Zerglingman @SuperSnekFriend @hn100
bandagedbd was pretty good in that like 90% of the features that discord has now was stolen from it
also tweaks with user volume was a lifesaver along with taking large character messages and splitting them up into multiple messages (unlike the current discord solution that just uploads it as a text file)
also a couple of nitro bypass hacks was cool