His Master's Voice (HMV) was the name of a major British record label created in 1901 by The Gramophone Co. Ltd. The phrase was coined in the late 1890s from the title of a painting by English artist Francis Barraud, which depicted a Jack Russell Terrier dog named Nipper listening to a wind-up disc gramophone and tilting his head. In the original, unmodified 1898 painting, the dog was listening to a cylinder phonograph. The painting was also famously used as the trademark and logo of the Victor Talking Machine Company, later known as RCA Victor. The painting was originally offered to James Hough, manager of Edison-Bell in London, but he declined, saying "dogs don't listen to phonographs". Barraud subsequently went to The Gramophone Co. of Maiden Lane in London where the manager Barry Owen asked if the painting was for sale and if the painting could be revised to show one of their own latest Gramophone models. This was done and The Gramophone Co. in due course made a formal offer to buy the painting from Barraud for £100.
In the 1970s, an award was created which is a copy of the statue of the dog and gramophone, His Master...