Took entirely too long to carve the relatively little time to finish it but worth it all the same.
The twist in the kingdom that made the Faustian bargain for riches was pretty good.
cc @coolboymew
- cool_boy_mew likes this.
@boloros very nice
also shout out to Deathtoll for being close to the antagonist (deuteragonist?) in Gloryhammer albums decades in advance.
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@coolboymew like any good game it got a groan out of me when finding out strafewalking attracts gems way late into it, thankfully in time for zones that actually use it a lot.
@boloros did you get all items? The firebird?
The firebirb is a dick move because it requires you to do something, with no hints, that you do nowhere else in the game
@coolboymew ye, I didn't pretend to be able to tell many things but it's weird how the Phoenix hot-red parts are behind enemies that used to be unkillable, which is normal except you get to do it after the game introduces its only indestructible big and creature like turrets.
The phoenix is actually mandatory for fighting the last boss, the magic bell with the emblems is the one that's optional and largely worthless.
@boloros yeah, the emblems, there's one in the toy world if you push the bookcase and that's a dick move. WTF was the magic bell already?
@coolboymew It gives you hints in the 'spawn tiles' that one steps on to revive characters, but it's easy to forget with enemies that really look like stage hazards.
@coolboymew but making the bird that gives you the last part harder to talk to than it was to kill the enemies for unblocking him is quite something.
@coolboymew it lets you cast magic without spending gems.
Like one hasn't been keeping an eye on health meter for medical herb use to avoid losing the dragons hoard worth of gems one ends up with.
@boloros I remember barely using the gems for most of the game
@coolboymew it could've capped them at 100 and remain largely unchanged, but letting the player hoard is effective for baggage.