@neko i wonder who the "fractureiser Mitigation Team" is consisted of. I don't see this much formality larp needed for a game virus that probably affected some teens' PCs. This "team" just seems to be a very bureaucratic way to solve such a problem. >The only official public channel you may join without being personally invited that's run by the same team that wrote this writeup is #cfmalware on EsperNet IRC. Joining an IRC channel will expose your IP address. I see this as "were going to lick each other off in private groomcord servers talking about our usual minecract stuff because who tf cares, questions only go to some irc channel nobody uses lmao" >Do not ask for samples. If you have experience and credentials, that's great, but we have no way to verify this without using up tons of our team's limited time. isnt a "mitigation team"(self acclaimed giga professional) supposed to posess samples of whatever the fuck they're talking about? its not even confidential and its a piece of software.
@neko looks like a circlejerk of pajeets that think one small java snippet is worth "investigation" and "private meetings" god the nerve of that readme.