Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Sunday, 18-Jun-2023 00:52:44 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite I can't stop staring at just how ugly and faggy everyone in that Planned Parenthood gif is. They're just as repulsive on the outside as the inside. Aesthetics really do tell the whole story, what they're about, what they believe about life and humanity, and what they see our place in the cosmos is. - xianc78 likes this.
- xianc78 repeated this.
PurpCat (V2) (need more art) ('s status on Sunday, 18-Jun-2023 00:58:58 JST PurpCat (V2) (need more art)
@ArdainianRight planned tnd xianc78 likes this. -
The Lunar Fox System ('s status on Sunday, 18-Jun-2023 01:03:41 JST The Lunar Fox System
@ArdainianRight Imagine thinking that we exist to serve some higher cause. We are just a bunch of molecules bounded for a short period of time. And judging from our actions, we are nothing but a cancer on this planet anyway. We are all just an accident that has caused nothing but destruction to our world.
-Vixianc78 repeated this. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Sunday, 18-Jun-2023 01:03:41 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@lunarfox That's exactly what these faggots think, that humanity is just an accident and a mistake we should be ashamed of. To embrace such a mindset is to make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. I reject this wholeheartedly. Life is a blessing and a beautiful adventure, and we have a duty to live it to the fullest while also working to build a better world for our descendants. xianc78 likes this. - ('s status on Sunday, 18-Jun-2023 01:05:34 JST
@ArdainianRight At least this means they can drop the idiotic talking point that men aren't allowed to have an opinion on abortion. xianc78 and Ardainian Hebrew Israelite like this. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Sunday, 18-Jun-2023 01:07:40 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@KoopaTV Male-identified persons without a uterus who are consumed by whiteness still can't have opinions on anything. You should know they don't give a fuck about that. -
Christi Junior ('s status on Sunday, 18-Jun-2023 01:09:13 JST Christi Junior
@ArdainianRight @lunarfox To be fair, hating humanity makes sense when your ideology constantly exalts the very worst of humanity, the worst behavior, the worst sexual orientations, the worst races etc... Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -'s status on Sunday, 18-Jun-2023 01:10:29 JST xianc78
@ArdainianRight @lunarfox Nihilism is a fucking death cult. These people are just useful idiots for population control freaks and closeted eugenicists like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
Christi Junior ('s status on Sunday, 18-Jun-2023 01:10:38 JST Christi Junior
@ArdainianRight At least going Full BioLeninist makes their propaganda far less effective than it used to be. Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. - ('s status on Saturday, 24-Jun-2023 12:16:14 JST
All of the NPCs got the patch to say "no uterus" instead of "men".
no-uterus-no-opinion.pngArdainian Hebrew Israelite likes this.